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So, what do you need to know about Russian women?
More after the jump...
This post is for those of you who are either interested in Russian women or thinking of marrying a Russian woman.
If you want to marry a Russian woman and you are not Russian yourself, here is a word of wisdom: don't do it.
First of all, everything comes with a price. Chances are, your Russian wife is going to divorce you as soon as she gets her citizenship. She sees you as a way to get out of Russia or raise her social status. That is the real reason why she smiles at you, calls you "zaichik" and looks at you lovingly. No, she does not like you for who you are. Get real. She likes you for what you can do for her. But this only applies if you are lucky enough to live in one of the developed countries. However, if you are from some poor, poverty-stricken third world country, yes, it might be she really likes you, because there is no woman in the world who would move from a posh Moscow neighborhood to the slums of Burundi unless she is 1. madly in love 2. completely insane 3. both.
Secondly, Russian women have damaged psyche. Try growing up under a totalitarian regime, with parents who grew up under a totalitarian regime, with grandparents who went through Stalin purges. If you think life in Russia is a picnic now, go and stay there for a year or two. Even Edward Snowden is so depressed, he is trying to get the hell out.
Russia is one tough country, and by marrying a Russian woman you will be her meal ticket, her only hope, and her savior, a knight in a shining armor. You might free her from Russia, but you will never free her from the battered person syndrome. One of the psychologists compared Russian people to wives that stay in abusive relationship. They are too scared to leave the abuser, so they develop all kind of psychological problems. In the case of Russian women, these problems are impossible to diagnose right away due to a significant language barrier. It is almost like marrying a North Korean escapee, they bear emotional scars that are not going to heal forever.
Thirdly, when you are marrying a Russian girl, you are marrying her family. Most likely, her father is retired and drinks heavily, her mother is very sick, her grandmother is even sicker, her brother is out of work, they all live in one room in a shabby khrushchevka, the toilet is broken and they all need to move into a bigger flat right away. That's why she needs to send them some money on a monthly basis. Later you will discover that her aunts and uncles need help too because they are a tight-knit family and she is the only provider. By the way, this is not an extortion plot, this can actually be true. And remember: if she is not asking you for money yet, it's because she thinks she is going to get all of it later.
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This is a mail-order bride scam. Read more about Russian bride
scams right here: Russian Bride Scams
One more thing to consider: Russian women are used to everything Russian: Russian food, Russian TV, Russian friends. Besides the language barrier, they will experience culture shock once they move to another country. No matter how excited and happy they initially feel, sooner or later they are going to miss their culture and a familiar environment. If this is not the reason for divorce, it can cause some serious marital problems.
So why so many men keep perpetuating the "Russian Wives Myth"?
First of all, the grass is always greener on the other side of the border. Also, everybody knows, that men love with their eyes. Yes, many Russian women are slender, feminine, and good-looking. So foreign men who for whatever reason cannot find a partner in their own land try their luck with Russian women. They view it as an easy solution to all their personal problems. It is more appealing to fall in love with someone from the other side of the globe since a novel partner is a perfect remedy for the Coolidge Effect.
One more reason for this "Russian Wives Myth" could be because of carefully placed propaganda ads in a form of personal letters or personal statements. You can find tons of them all over the Internet, not only on dating websites. Since most accounts are anonymous or semi-anonymous, there is no way to verify the claims that, yes, indeed, so-and-so is still married to a Russian woman. If you read and analyze those "personal accounts", you can clearly see that there is no way any person in the right mind would write something like that.Think for yourself: who most likely benefits from advertising Russian wives? Who makes money by selling them (and they are indeed hot commodity)?
Some men fall in love when they move to another country for work. It happens naturally and is quite understandable. However, some men either consciously or subconsciously are looking for a submissive partner (an Asian wife), the one who is not in the position to rebel, who can be controlled easily because of the circumstances, or the one who is obedient by nature. Those types of wives are often sought out by men who for whatever reason have a hard time finding a partner in their own vicinity.
However, how many happy men do you personally know that have been married to a Russian wife for more than 20 years? The statistics show that there are very few. As a rule, international families are not that happy and are more prone to divorce. In fact, 51% of all Russian marriages fall apart. Source The divorce rate for international marriages is even higher.
Is there anything good about Russian women? Definitely.
First of all, there are a lot of them. Russian men die earlier. Starting with the ripe age of 35, there is a huge surplus of women:
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So Russia clearly is a country where there is an abundance of women and not enough men to go around. There is a severe shortage of good guys, those that work, make decent money, and don't drink too much. That's why women fiercely compete for every available man who can even remotely be considered "good marriage material".
Please do not think that all Russian women are out to get you. There are some very decent, beautiful, sweet Russian women out there that are not after your money. However, they do not go to bars, they don't hang out with foreigners, they most definitely do not go to marriage agencies because they do not wish to move to another country and, most likely, they are already taken. If you find a single woman like that - you are one lucky guy because it is easier to find a needle in a haystack. In this case, prepare to live in Russia for the rest of your life.
One more good thing about Russian women: if you have a decent amount of money and willing to marry them and even fill out all the necessary paperwork, they do not discriminate. You might be the ugliest person on the planet, the dullest knife in the drawer, a whole bunch of fries shorter than a Happy Meal, but... you will still get some and she will even make you breakfast in the morning. Why? Because she has no other options. So enjoy. To illustrate the visible discrepancy in age and beauty, visit this site: beautiful Russian ladies with ugly foreigners.
There are many more reasons why you should not marry a Russian girl, and there is only one reason why you should: you like her and nobody else wants you. In this case, you need to take a one-year long vacation to some deserted island. One year in a remote destination will definitely cool off your passion. Otherwise, you are going to end up like this:
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