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This blog is our answer to all paid trolls that keep lying about Russia.

Saturday, September 6, 2014

What Russians Think about America (Part 1): Willful Ignorance

The simplest and the most straightforward way to describe how Russians view the U.S. can be summed up in just two words: ignorance and envy.

The majority of Russian people know very little about the States, despite being exposed to a huge amount of American-made TV programs and movies, using American products from jeans to software and smartphones. They learn bits and pieces from (mostly) Russian TV programs about the U.S.A. that provide insufficient and somewhat skewed information. In their daily lives, Russians are inundated by all those negative reports they watch on TV. Russian audience is "conveniently" exposed to gruesome images of frequent shootings, police brutality, mass protests, American atrocities and acts of aggression in other countries. All in all, Russian TV portrays America as a big powerful bully that is out to get 'em. Remembering the fact that Russia suffered tremendous devastation during the World War 2, it is only logical for the Russian people to expect their president fulfills his one and only duty: to protect Russia from foreign invaders.

So, what are some of the myths about America and Americans that the majority of Russian people share and how did they come about?

More after the jump...